Summer 2017 Group Therapy
Summer groups are offered to all children in the community. They may be used in addition to our current clients’ individual therapy sessions or children whose school-based therapy is on hold during the summer. They are also a great early intervention tool in that our pre-school groups offer an environment that will stimulate language skills development, social skills, preverbal and verbal communication skills. Please call us for more information and registration details.
We are excited to offer the following groups:
School Aged Social Skills
Tuesday 2:00-3:00- June 6, 13, 20, 27
Children will learn and practice age appropriate social skills with their peers and guidance from the therapist. Targeted skills include: turn-taking, greetings, asking/answering questions, making requests, maintaining personal space, eye contact, initiating and maintaining conversations, etc.
Preschool Articulation
Wednesday 9:00-10:00- June 21, 28, & July 12, 19
Young children will participate in games and activities targeting age appropriate articulation skills at word, phrase, sentence, and conversational level. A limited number of speech sounds will be targeted in each session allowing frequent opportunities for repetition and practice for each participant.
Preschool Social Skills Group
Thursday 9:00-10:00- June 22, 29 & July 13, 20
Children will learn and practice age appropriate social skills with their peers and guidance from the therapist. Targeted skills include: turn-taking, greetings, asking/answering questions, making requests, maintaining personal space, eye contact, initiating and maintaining conversations, etc.
Preschool Language Development
Thursdays 10:00-11:00- June 22, 29 & July 13, 20
Young children will participate in activities using crafts, games, & music to improve early language expressive and receptive skills. Targeted skills include: increasing vocabulary, responding to simple age appropriate questions, naming common objects/toys/people, increasing phrase length, following directions, etc.
Fluency/Stuttering Group
Dates TBD
Participants will learn specific skills or behaviors that lead to improved oral communication. They will learn to identify how they react to or cope with breaks in speech fluency. They learn other reactions that will lead to fluent speech and effective communication. These individuals work together to help themselves cope with the everyday difficulties of stuttering.
**Groups may be added depending on the level of interest**